Anomaly Detection
1.1 Gaussian distribution
1.2 Estimating parameters for a Gaussian $$\mu {i} = \dfrac {1}{m}\sum {j=1}^{m}x _{i}^{(j)}$$
$$\sigma {i}^{2} = \dfrac{1}{m}\sum {j=1}^{m}(x _{i}^{(j)} - \mu _{i})^2$$
1 2 mu = sum(X)/m; sigma2 = sum((X-mu).^2 )/m;
I thought there was a problem with these equations because the region of highest probability was not displayed as a red ellipse in the PDF plot.
After debugging, I found that the center color of the contour plot for the Gaussian distribution is yellow, which is nearly invisible on non-Retina screens. 😂😂😂
1.3 Selecting the threshold, ε
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 p = (pval < epsilon); tp = sum((p == 1 ) & (yval == 1 )); fp = sum((p == 1 ) & (yval == 0 )); fn = sum((p == 0 ) & (yval == 1 )); prec = tp/(tp+fp); rec = tp/(tp+fn); F1 = 2 *prec*rec/(prec+rec);
Recommender Systems 2.1 Movie ratings dataset
2.2.1 Collaborative filtering cost function
1 2 tmp = X*Theta' .* R - Y; J = sum(sum(tmp.^2 ))/2 ;
2.2.2 Collaborative filtering gradient
1 2 X_grad = tmp*Theta; Theta_grad = tmp'*X;
2.2.3 Regularized cost function
1 J = J + lambda/2 *(sum(sum(Theta.^2 ))) + lambda/2 *(sum(sum(X.^2 )));
2.2.4 Regularized gradient
1 2 X_grad = X_grad + lambda*X; Theta_grad = Theta_grad + lambda*Theta;
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