Friends with Benefits

It is unknown when casual sex apps became popular all over the place.

Although LittleMaster has been rejected by the goddess, as a scholar, he still maintains a good moral character.

Douban has always been limited to reading books and watching movies, and has never had this feature in the groups on the right.

When we talk about “friends with benefits” today, we are referring to LittleMaster’s buddy’s friends with benefits.

In the past, LittleMaster and his buddy often played StarCraft together. They were still part of the Zerg swarm at that time. Then one day, his friend sent him a Douban link, saying he found a goddess.

LittleMaster was shocked in his heart, as his buddy drifted away from him.

The end of the drama.

However, ten days later, his buddy came online again and sadly said that he was rejected.

Because he wasn’t in a good state of mind, LittleMaster repeatedly defeated him on StarCraft.

Speaking of StarCraft, LittleMaster actually encountered an uncle who played StarCraft 1 in his current company in the capital. He played a game of 2 vs AI, but found out that the uncle was a noob. So they played a 1v1 game, and in his excitement, LittleMaster forgot to select the race and ended up as a 9D. Unexpectedly, the uncle found a way to counter it. After winning, he immediately disconnected his router, and two minutes later, he claimed on QQ that he lost the internet connection and couldn’t connect anymore…

LittleMaster felt sympathy for him and shared his own experience and lessons learned at the time. Eventually, his buddy successfully pursued the goddess.

The end of the drama.

But as the saying goes, you never know until you try, and it turns out the goddess his buddy pursued was only a friend with benefits.

As an example: one time, his buddy got angry and ran away from home.

His friend with benefits couldn’t find him and couldn’t resolve her physical needs, so she found a stranger for casual sex on Douban, and even cried, caused disruptions, and threatened to commit suicide outside his buddy’s workplace.

Of course, a more scientific explanation is that she sought his buddy’s attention by resorting to self-harm.

However, according to game theory, this is a lose-lose option.

When LittleMaster found out about this incident from his buddy’s friend with benefits, he was shocked.

But of course, LittleMaster believed that everyone should have the opportunity to change and make amends. After all, nobody is perfect. So he decided not to tell his buddy about this incident.

And besides, there are other ways to solve this problem, for example:

Man Gives Girlfriend Sedatives to Continue Playing Games

A man in Castrop-Rauxel, Germany was fined 500 euros by a court because he gave sedatives to his ex-girlfriend to continue playing games. The judge considered this to be “intentional assault”…

However, as time passed, the situation became more serious. For example, during these two games of StarCraft, his buddy’s friend with benefits kept unplugging his buddy’s power repeatedly and sat on the floor crying like a shrew.

Then LittleMaster secretly told his buddy about this incident.

When his buddy learned that he was being cheated on, he became furious and grabbed a kitchen knife to attack his friend with benefits. Blood splattered in the low-rent room.

His buddy was arrested and sentenced to death, consumed by hatred.

Surprisingly, his buddy believed in feminism and didn’t really care about this incident.

Although it would affect his career, his buddy was in his prime and had unreleased energy, and his awareness was not enough to distinguish between spirit and flesh. He was trapped in carnal desires and unable to free himself, afraid to return to a state of playing LOL alone.

“So, they won’t break up,” LittleMaster commented recklessly.

Translated by gpt-3.5-turbo