SKEmitterNode in SpriteKit Scene sks

Particle effects on iOS require SpriteKit.

  1. Add the file MyScene.sks to your project.
  2. Drag a SpriteKit view into the storyboard.
  3. Drag both emitters into MyScene.sks.
  4. Set the emitter properties.
  5. Drag the desired actions onto each emitter.

My previous understanding was

let node = SKEmitterNode(fileNamed: "Fire")
let scene = SKScene(fileNamed: "MyScene")
// SKAction(...

To my surprise, SpriteKit can have a similar development experience like using Storyboard.

I surrendered to iOS Dev mainly because of Storyboard when I saw Paul Hegarty ctrl dragging buttons in his class to code.


Also, I see a lot of the UIDynamic stuff that I used to set up through code.

Glad to have this brief exploration.

Translated by gpt-3.5-turbo