Never Expected

Falling Behind Step by Step

Common Cognitive Biases

These are mentioned in almost all psychology books.

How to Comeback

Change the rules of disagreeableness.


  • Trainable muscle
  • Beautiful women
  • Catchphrase

10,000 Hours

Tiger Woods interrupts his movements once he is disturbed, which is undoubtedly shocking to a master.

Deliberate training is undoubtedly boring. What I previously thought of as “playing while studying” is actually at a shallow level, that is, entertainment.

Fortunately, it goes on to say: interest can offset this boredom.

And genes have:

Experience Producing Drive theory

Currently, I have read about half of “The Selfish Gene,” and it turns out there is another theory.

In the book, there is a paragraph that explains my long-standing confusion, because I have found that no matter how hard I work, I am far behind those who started at a young age, which means I have already lost at the starting line:

By the age of 18, the second group had practiced over 2,000 hours less than the first group- they work just as hard now, but it’s already too late. Music is like this, and so is sports (programming). Falling behind once means falling behind every step of the way.


  • Limited imagination
  • Explanation + prediction

Cognitive Density = Preparation Time/Reading Time


  • Toss skim read
  • Narrow | broad framing
  • Taking notes

Actually, after reading “How to Read a Book,” I planned to read the book twice, but I never implemented it, fantasizing that I could remember that feeling (often when reading, it’s not about memorizing knowledge).

After reading this book, I’ve decided to start implementing it, and I have indeed discovered many missed points during the second reading.

The True Colors of Winners

  • Competition - testosterone - long ring finger
  • Warriors - Worriers
  • Stress - COMT (fast|slow enzyme)
  • Finite - infinite game
  • The evolution of overconfidence

I previously saw this on a blog.

It is obvious that I am a Worrier, more suitable for infinite turn-based games, not for explosive ones.

I should try to play conservatively in normal times and relieve stress during critical moments.


Physical strength - immediate feedback
Mental strength - free time

Don’t partner with acquaintances? (YouTube’s reunion with Yahoo is a counterexample, but Redwood is indeed weakly connected)

The afterlife is in a state that science cannot explain.

Collective imagination

Translated by gpt-3.5-turbo