How to Install Reaver on Mac OS X

Updated: 2017-05-24 09:03:10

Apologies for this post, I didn’t realize its dangerous nature before.

Last year in October, my internet service was suspended and I had to temporarily use a wifi network for the National Day holidays. In the meantime, I reavered the wifi.

When I was playing the Open Yale Courses - Listening to Music on my NAS, I noticed a subtitle on my TV (Android system) saying “This network is only for my personal use, do you have any problem?”.

I was shocked by this sentence because my NAS has a PandoraBox system, and I use it as a bridge, so my TV should not appear on their router. Clearly, I discovered that this wifi was a phishing wifi and my TV was compromised.

So, if some stupid apps are still using http, all my data is exposed. Even https has MitM issues. ‘s products say iOS, macOS have a login trust certificate in Keychain, but what about Android? Some devices have their own backdoors.

As for my TV, I think it uses adb connect <TV IP address>, which is Android Debug Bridge (adb) Wireless Debugging Over Wi-Fi.

However, I later changed most of my passwords.

So, you can try the technical exploration of reaver, but you cannot use it.

Updated: 2015-07-27 13:14:32

I wrote this on 2014-05-11, but it was one year later. Now you can easily install reaver using Homebrew.

brew install reaver

Thanks to Rustam’s suggestion.

I always use beini in VMware and I always insert an additional USB wireless adapter into my computer.

When I have a Mac, I just copy the beini’s VMX from Windows to Mac, which means I still need to use a wireless adapter.

In fact, minidwep or inflator uses this powerful tool called Reaver… you know), and Mac is a UNIX-based system, so you can directly run Reaver.

  1. Download

    (Pro Tip: The original reaver-1.4 cannot be directly used with make on Mac)

  2. Unzip

cd reaver-wps/src/
sudo make install

Enjoy responsibly, don’t do anything bad :-)

Translated by gpt-3.5-turbo