iOS 7 Programming Cookbook

How to Read Cookbook

Oh my god, I finally finished reading it, more than 1000 pages!!!

I manually typed about 80% of the code and found two bugs in the code.

If there are any mistakes, you can submit a Pull Request on oreillymedia/iOS7_Programming_Cookbook on Github.

Suitable Audience:

Generally, Cookbook series are regarded as dictionaries, you can look up what you need without having to read it from cover to cover.

However, after going through it once, the benefits of building a relevant knowledge system are obvious.

Not suitable for:

  1. Beginners
  2. iOS senior developers

Beginners can start by reading these two books:

Head First iPhone and iPad Development
The Big Nerd Ranch Guide


  1. First, prepare for crashes →_→

    Think about how many students used to carry dictionaries and gave up when they encountered the word “abandon”.

  2. Select a few key chapters, read them from start to finish, especially those relevant to your current work.

    Since you can immediately apply what you learn, the effect is better.
    The non-code parts explain principles and tips, so read them carefully.

  3. When you reach about 50%, focus on the code.
    By this point, you should be familiar with the author’s narrative style, so skim the titles and understand what to do. Combine this with the code to figure it out, you only need to skim the text.

  4. Learn to give up
    Memorizing a dictionary won’t make you fluent in English, so there’s no need to read the entire book.

    For example, when I was reading it, I found iCloud and similar topics too complicated. If it’s just simple data synchronization, it’s easier to set up a backend. So I skipped those parts.

    Following the 80/20 rule is a good approach.

  5. Pair Programming
    Working in a group is more effective than doing it alone.

    However, you don’t have to read the same book. For example, my friend was reading the Python Cookbook, which also serves the purpose of mutual inspiration.

    PS: I only found out that he was reading the translated version when I had already read more than half of it…

  6. English
    iOS updates too quickly, and the latest information is in English. iOS 7 hasn’t even been translated yet, and iOS 8’s official version is about to be released…

    So, learn English well, young grasshopper.

Translated by gpt-3.5-turbo